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作者: 日期:2020年04月30日 来源: 【字体:



Chongqing Industry and Trade Polytechnic

Regulations for Foreign Students











留 学 生 手 册



1General Regulations for Foreign Students..................................... 1


2Notice to Foreign Students on Registration.................................... 2


3Regulations on Teaching Management of Foreign Students............ 4


4Regulations on examinations........................................................ 7


5Dormitory regulations.................................................................. 9


6. Regulation on Foreign Students’ Daily Life....................................... 13


7Canteen Regulations..................................................................... 16


8Notice on Going through Various Certification Procedures for Foreign Students     17


9Regulations on medical treatment, travelling, and leaving school... 23


10Regulations Concerning Foreign Students’ Status in Chongqing Industry and Trade POLYTECHNIC..................................................................................... 25


11.Emergency Call and Contact Way of Department of School Department      43


General Regulations for Foreign Students



1. Complete all the necessary courses provided by the university.

第一条 认真完成学校规定的学习任务。


2. Observe the relevant policies and decrees formulated by the Chinese government.

第二条 遵守中国政府的有关政策和法令。


3Observe the regulations worked out by the university authorities.第三条 遵守学校的规章制度。


4Respect the faculty and staff members of the university.

第四条 尊重学校的教师和工作人员。


5Respect the habits and customs of the Chinese people.

第五条 尊重中国人民的生活习惯。


6Participate in regular exercise and pay attention to hygiene.

第六条 锻炼身体,讲究卫生。


7. Maintain and promote international friendship and unity.

第七条 维护和增进各国同学之间的友谊和团结。


8. Any missionary work in China is prohibited. Distributing or posting publicity materials without the approval from the administrative office of the university is prohibited.

第八条 禁止在中国进行传教活动,未经学校同意,不得在校内散发和张贴宣传品。



Notice to Foreign Students on Registration



1Foreign students must bring along with them the passport, the Admission Notice, the JW202 form and come to the Office of International Education of Chongqing Industry and Trade Polytechnic to register according to the schedule. The foreign students should hand in 4 one-inch passport photos and 4 two-inch photos of themselves for registration. Those who do not come on time must inform the Office of International Education. Those who do not still come two weeks after the commencement of the semester will be immediately disqualified from enrollment.

第一条 新生应持护照、入学通知书和JW202表在规定时间内到国际教学部办公室和相关部门、院系报到,办理入学手续。报到时需交近期1寸和2寸半身正面免冠彩色照片各4张。因故不能按时报到者,应提前来电 ()通知国际教学部,超过2周不报到者,将取消入学资格。


2Within 30 days of arrival, foreign students must undertake a medical examination by Chongqing Sanitation and Quarantine Station. The foreign students should then take their health certificate to Chongqing police station to apply for the residency permit. Foreign students who fail in passing the health examination will not be permitted to enroll at the University.

第二条 新生报到后,应在30天内(或在旅游签证有效期限内)及时到重庆市卫生检疫局进行健康检查或核查,然后持健康检查合格证,在规定时间内,向重庆市公安局申请办理居留证,身体不合格者不予注册。


3The students have to pay the fees in full in Chinese Money RMB, within 7 days after their registration. The students who fail to pay the fees one month after the semester begins will be asked to leave school. Tuition is non-refundable to those who withdraw from school halfway through the semester.

第三条 留学生在入学报到时,应在七天内交纳各项费用,用人民币支付,一次付清。开学一个月后若还没交清学费将被勒令退学。中途退学者,学费概不退还。


4Each academic year of Chongqing Industry and Trade Polytechnic

consists two semester :spring semester and autumn semester, generally, each semester consists 17 weeks, the last 1-2 week are used for review and exams. September is the beginning of autumn semester, and the spring semester begins from February .At the beginning of each semester, students have to return to the university no later than the official starting date. They have to go through the registration formalities at the Office of International Education of Chongqing Industry and Trade Polytechnic. If they fail to return on time without asking for permission in advance, they will be punished for absence without asking for leave. If they delay the registration for more than two weeks, they will be automatically considered withdrawn from the university.

第四条 拉斯维加斯lswjs0567一学年分为春季和秋季两个学期,一般每学期约17周,其中最后1-2周为复习考试时间。每年9月是秋季学期的开始;春季学期一般从2月开始。每学期开学,留学生要按规定时间返校,并在正式开学前一天,到国际教学部和相关部门、院系报到办理注册手续。未经请假而不按时到校者,以旷课论处,逾期两周不注册者,按自动退学处理。


Regulations on Teaching Management of Foreign Students



1The students have to be diligent in their studies and work hard to complete their task of learning.

第一条 外国留学生应勤奋学习,努力完成学习任务。


2The students have to observe study discipline. It is forbidden to be late, leave early or absent, to be late or leave early 3 times would be treated for 1-hour truancy. Students are not allowed to enter or leave the classroom at will, or to smoke or eat during class.

第二条 外国留学生应严格遵守学习纪律,按时上下课,不得迟到、早退、旷课,迟到、早退累计3次者,作旷课1学时处理。上课时间不得随便出入教室、吸烟和吃零食。


3Requests for sick leave or personal leave should be forwarded to his/her tutor or their faculty’s leader in advance. Any leave without prior request constitutes truancy. Students asking for sick leave should inform his/her tutor or the director of the faculty by submitting medical proof. The leave is only valid when approval is obtained. Any leave without medical proof and approval is regarded as absence.

第三条 外国留学生因病、因事请假,应办理请假手续,凡未经请假或超假者,一律以旷课论处。因病请假,须有医生证明,经辅导员或所在院系负责人批准方为有效,否则视为旷课。


4All Chinese holidays and the school's summer and winter vacations are the same to foreign students as school’s students. Foreign students asking for leave for their own important national holidays must be approved by International Exchanges Office and related departments.

第四条 留学生享受我国的节假日及学校的寒暑假。留学生为自己国家重要节假日请假的必须经过国际教学部和相关部门的同意。


5Absence from class without prior request for leave constitutes truancy.  A disciplinary warning is given to students who have been absent up to 20% per month. A demerit will be recorded in file for those who have been absent 21%-30% per month. Those who have been absent from class constantly (accumulated more than 30% per month) must be expelled from school, and the visa or residence permit will be annulled.

第五条 凡未经请假而缺课者,以旷课论处。一个月内旷课累计达到20%者,给予警告处分;一个月内旷课累计达到21%-30%时者,给予记过处分,情节严重者(一个月内旷课累计超过30%),勒令退学,并通知公安局出入境管理局注销其签证。


6. To maintain a regular order for teaching, the students are prohibited from asking for leave to travel while school is in session.

第六条 为了保证正常的教学,学习期间不得请假旅游。


7. While studying, the foreign students are not allowed privately to take up jobs by themselves.

第七条 留学生在校期间不得私自谋职。


8. The foreign students who fail in passing the final examinations must pass the make-up examination in the next term.

第八条 留学生期末考试不合格的科目需在下个学期补考。


9. The undergraduates who have passed the examinations at the end of their studies will be granted diplomas and conferred with the Bachelor's degree, in accordance with the Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Conferring Academic Degrees. Those who have failed the examination will be granted certificates of completion of studies, but will not receive a degree. The students who withdraw from the university before completing their programs will be granted certificates indicating the duration of their studies. Exchange-students who have passed the examinations at the end of their studies will be granted certificates of completion of studies.

第九条 学生修业期满,成绩合格者,发给毕业证,并按照《中华人民共和国学位条例》授予学士学位;成绩不合格者,只发给结业证书。凡中途退学者,可发给肄业证书,证书上注明学习年限。交换生修业期满,成绩合格者,发给结业证书。


10. Any student who solicits a prostitute or uses drugs is subject to being expelled from the university.

第十条 凡卖淫、嫖娼、吸毒者,一律开除学籍。


Regulations on examinations



1. The teachers should remain at their post, and take the work of invigilation seriously. Those who are not responsible for the work will be criticized and punished.

第一条 监考人员必须坚守岗位,认真负责进行监考,对监考工作不负责任者给予批评教育或处罚。


2. The students should reach the examination room on time, show their student cards when taking exams, and get a proper seat according to the instruction of the teachers. The students are not allowed to leave the room until 30 minutes after the beginning of the examination. Students who have left the examination room may not re-enter the room to continue the exam, they are not allowed to talk aloud at a nearby place. Those who are late for more than 30 minutes will be directly disqualified from the examination.

第二条 应试者应按时入场,凭学生证参加考试,进场后应听从监考人员指挥,按指定位置就座。考生需在开考30分钟后才能离场,离场后不得再进入考场答题,也不能在考场附近大声交谈。迟到三十分钟以上者不得入场,直接取消考试资格。


3. The students are not allowed to carry textbooks, notebooks or any other reference books and materials into the examination room. Those who do carry the above books or materials should hand in them, where they will be kept by the teachers and returned to the students after the examination.

第三条 应试者不得携带书本,笔记本或参考资料入场。如有带入者,应主动交出,由监考人员统一保管,考毕发还。


4. During the examination, cheating is strictly prohibited. If caught, the students will receive a zero mark for the corresponding subject. In addition, the students who are caught cheating in the examination will be punished. The punishment ranges from disciplinary warning, demerit recording, staying at school but kept under observation, expelled from school, according to the seriousness of wrong doings.

第四条 考试过程中,凡发现以任何形式舞弊或协同舞弊者,该科成绩以零分计算。视情况而定,给予处罚,标准分别为警告,记过,留校查看,勒令退学等。


5. The students who are unable to take the examination must explain the reasons and forward in advance the requests for sick leave or personal leave to the teachers of his /her own faculty. The leave is only valid when approval is obtained.

第五条 应试者如有特殊原因不能按时参加考试者,应先向所在院系提交请假条,经同意后才准假。


6. All the above regulations must be observed by all the teachers and foreign students.

第六条 所有学生和老师必须遵守以上规定。


Dormitory regulations



1. During the period of their study, the students should safeguard themselves and private possessions. All electric appliances should be used safely. They should be switched off each time when not in use to prevent accidents.

第一条 在校学习期间应注意自身和财物安全。离开宿舍要落锁,关闭电灯、电器和水阀。


2. Students are not allowed to lend the room key to others, and students must not change the lock, make a key or add another lock privately. Students should inform the dorm staffs if the lock is broken, and they will tell the school logistics department to replace it. Please return the keys to school when students finish their study in Chongqing Industry and Trade POLYTECHNIC.

第二条 宿舍的钥匙不得随意转借他人,严禁私自换锁、配钥匙或另加门锁。门锁损坏时应告知宿舍管理员,由宿舍管理员通知学校后勤部前来更换。学期结束退房时,请同学们立即将钥匙返还。


3. All of the equipment in the room belongs to Chongqing Industry and Trade POLYTECHNIC, provided only to foreign students. Please take care of the furniture and equipment. Foreign students should save using the water and electricity.  Any gas stove or electric appliance, which is liable to cause fires, are not permitted within dormitory. Without permission, the students cannot exchange the furniture with other rooms, destroying the indoor and bed equipment is forbidden, changing their use and construction is forbidden. Anyone who causes damage to public property because of incorrect usage is liable for compensation.

第三条 房间内一切设备、设施系学校财产,仅供留学生本人使用。请爱护室内的各种家具、设备,节约用电、用水。不准用电炉、电器在宿舍内取暖、做饭。不得随意与其他房间调换家具;不得毁坏室内设施和床上用品。如有损坏或丢失,照价赔偿。


4. It’s strictly prohibited to decorate the room, you also are not allowed to damage or change the structure or function of the building.

第四条 宿舍内严禁私自装修,严禁破坏、改变房屋结构和功能。


5. It is the student's responsibility to keep his/her room and its surroundings clean. It is forbidden to nail in the wall. Raising poultry or keeping pets is not allowed. Smoking in the bed is forbidden. Fighting, alcoholic and other forms of abuse are not permitted, anybody who breaks these rules will be punished, which ranges from a demerit recorded in file to expulsion from the university, according to the seriousness of wrong doings.

第五条 保持宿舍清洁,不得在壁上乱涂乱画,不得随意钉钉子;不得饲养家禽、家畜;不准在床上吸烟;禁止酗酒、斗殴和其他不良行为,违者视情节给予警告、开除学籍等处分。


6. Quietness should be maintained in the dormitory. AFTER 10P.M. , students are not allowed to hold parties with dancing and loud music or to create undue noise in and around the dormitory or to hold any activities that disturb others.

第六条 寝室内务应按要求布置整理。任何形式的节日庆祝活动和生日晚会都不得在晚上十点后举行。


7. Students are responsible for maintaining and keeping the room and common areas clean. Students should clean their rooms’ everyday. The student, who is given the title of Apartment Captain, shall insure that the other students of that apartment keep the floor, doors and windows clean, and that the desks, wardrobes and chairs are not damaged. It is strictly forbidden to pour water or throw rubbish from the windows.

第七条 各寝室要坚持每天两小扫,每周一大扫的卫生值日制度。卫生值日由该寝室室长安排,全体人员共同负责,执行轮流值日制度,做到地面无痰迹、无烟头、纸屑等污物,门窗洁净,桌椅整齐无灰尘,自觉维护走廊、楼梯、厕所的公共卫生。严禁向窗外倒水,丢杂物。


8. Students are not allowed to shout, or engage in sports with balls or drink alcoholic beverages in or around the dormitory. In compliance with the study schedule, students must not engage in any kind of entertainment during studying and resting time.

第八条 不得在宿舍内从事影响他人学习和休息的活动,如跳舞、运动、酗酒、大声喧哗、放高声音乐等。


9. It’s forbidden to copy, dissemination, watch pornography or obscene publications.

第九条 严禁复制、传播、观看色情、淫秽出版物。


10. The students must be back in their dormitories before 22: 30, after the 22: 30, visitors are forbidden to enter the foreign students' rooms.

第十条 因事外出,须于当天2230之前返回到学校宿舍。2230后,严禁来访人员停留在外国留学生房间内。


11. Without registering in the guard room in front of the foreign students’ building, visitors are not allowed to come in foreign students’ building. Visitors are not permitted to stay overnight. If visitors want to stay overnight, they must get the permission of College of International Education and make registration.

第十一条 严禁外人未经登记入宿舍内,不准私自在住处留宿来访人员,如需留宿必须征得国际学院批准,并办理登记手续。


12. Cohabitation is forbidden during the period of study.

第十二条 在校学习期间,严禁非法同居。


13. Don’t transfer, lease and lend the beds.

第十三条 禁止转让、出租、出借床位。


14. In principle, you are not allowed to change the room, if there are any particular conditions, please apply to the office, the management will deal with it according to specific situation. Otherwise, you will be punished as violating the discipline.

第十四条 住宿的同学原则上不允许调换房间,如有特殊情况需要调换房间,请向办公室提出申请,由管理人员视具体情况决定是否给予办理,否则,将视为违纪予以处罚。


15. Foreign students are arranged to live on campus. They are not allowed to live off campus.

第十五条 留学生应按学校统一安排在校内住宿,禁止在校外住宿。


16. Students are required to follow the instructions and recommendations of the Dormitory Administrator. Teamwork, assistance and cooperation should be given to the dormitory staff when they are inspecting, providing maintenance or other necessary work in the students’ rooms. Quarrelling, offending and maltreatment to the Dormitory Administrator are not allowed.

第十六条 服从管理人员管理,严格遵守各项宿舍管理的规章制度,主动地、积极地配合管理人员工作,不得顶撞辱骂捉弄管理人员。


17. Each student must comply with the above provisions, if there are any violation, the school will give punishment to you according to the situation.

第十七条 留学生必须认真遵守以上各项规定,如有违反,学校将视情节轻重给予处罚


18. Upon completion of study, student should return all of the objects in the dormitory. Any damages to the objects shall be paid in accordance with the current price list.

第十八条 留学生不得损坏宿舍内物品,离校时需退还,否则照价赔偿。

Regulations on Foreign Students’ Daily Life



1. The foreign students should abide by the Chinese law, decrees and other correlative regulations, the foreign students should not take any actions or saying anything that is harmful to the friendship and interest between two countries.



2. University will respect the foreign students' culture and religious belief. With the approval of the University, the foreign students have right to celebrate their traditional festival in a place appointed by the university, but the content can not be against China or its public morality. Propaganda of religious and other related religious activities is forbidden.



3. The foreign students may volunteer to attend any activities organized by Chongqing Industry and Trade POLYTECHNIC, such as term beginning and graduation ceremony, sport games, labor, art activities and so on.



4. If the foreign students want to organize any extracurricular activities or take part in any activities outside of our University, they must report to the Office of International Education. After getting approval, they may conduct these activities. If necessary, the Office of International Education will offer assistance.



5. The foreign students should fetch and post packages by themselves. For the special reason, Office of International Education will offer the assistance, but foreign students should pay the fees.



6. Students needing to travel back home or other places outside of China must submit a request to Office of International Education. The written request must contain the following information: reason for the travel, the destination, the intended route, and the timelines (date of departure and date of return). This request must be submitted to the College of International Education 1-2 week prior to the intended departure date. If a student has difficulties in returning to the University on the intended return date they must inform the University in time.



7. During the period of study, foreign students are forbidden to engage in gainful employment, business, or other profit-making activities.



8. The University will endeavor to provide the best service it possibly can.



9. Strictly comply with traffic rules and regulations. Do not ride motor-cycles, fuel-powered moped and high-power battery bikes. Driving a motor-vehicle without license, driving a car after drinking, driving rapidly on campus and carrying someone else while biking are all strictly prohibited.



10. Do go to a bank for currency exchange; do not exchange currency with a private store or an individual. Currency exchange with an unauthorized store is an unlawful act.



11. To take a taxi, do choose one affiliated to an accredited taxi firm and ask for of a receipt.



12. Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers or barbecue food on campus or in a dormitory.



13. Swimming at non-accredited swimming places like river, lake, and reservoir is strictly prohibited. Do not travel around a place in threatening natural conditions.



Canteen Regulations



1Be polite with each other, and respect the cook and the other workers in the canteen.



2Wait for the food in queue and don’t crowd.



3Pay attention to hygiene, and don’t spit anywhere. Put any leftover food in the designated container voluntarily.



4Take care of the dinning tools and the equipment in the canteen.  Don't waste food, water and electricity.



Regulations on Going through Various Certificate Procedures for Foreign Students



I. Regulations on the management of student's identity card



1. The student's identity card will show that they are students of Chongqing Industry and Trade POLYTECHNIC. The student's identity card will be issued by the related faculty and distributed to every foreign student, after the freshmen finish the registration formalities.



2. When foreign students register each term, they should take the student’s identity card with them to Office of International Education and relative departments for registration. If the foreign students can't finish the formalities, the student’s identity card will be invalid.



 3. If student's identity card is lost, he/she should apply for a new one by himself/herself in the belonged faculty. A new student's identity will be issued by giving one photo and paying 50 yuan paper work fee.



4. Student's identity card can’t be altered or lent to others. Any infringement of this rule is at the student's expense.



5. Foreign students should hand in the student's identity card when they graduate, transfer or leave the University.



II. Regulations on the management of student's library card



1. After finishing the registration formalities, foreign students will be issued a library card by handing in 1 one-inch photo to library front desk.



2. Foreign students should use their own library cards, and can't be lent to others. If the library card is used by others, the card will be detained for 2 weeks, and the person who owns the card will be fined. In a serious case, the library card owner will not be allowed to borrow books for two months.



3. Take care of the library card. If lost, foreign students should bring with his/her own student identity card or the loss certification from the belonged faculty to report the loss of the library card in the front desk of library. If the foreign student does not report the loss of the library card, he or she has to undertake all losses and consequence which is produced during the loss time. 



4. Before graduation, transferring or leaving the university, foreign students should return all books to the University and get stamped, then they can finish the formalities.



5. Foreign students who come to borrow books should transact the formalities at front desk. Resources of the library are not to be taken away without borrowing process.



6. Borrowed books should be returned on time, if exceeding the lending time limit, the library would fine foreign students.



7. When borrowing books, foreign students should have a look at the possible broken pages, painting or dirty pages. If so, ask the library worker chapter with a sign. When returning books, foreign students shall pay compensation if the book with broken pages, painting or dirty pages but without chaptering with a sign.


 Regulations on the management of residence card, passport and visa



1.If you hold an "X" visa to enter China you must apply  to  Entry-Exit  Administration  Section of Chongqing Public Security Bureau to transact the "Foreigner Residence Card" within 10 days from the day you enter China, and hand in the relevant formalities: passport original production and hard copy, 2 two-inch photos and the fees. Any student who fails to obtain this required Residency Permit within the allotted time will be subject to fines and penalties in accordance to the law.



2. Foreign Students applying for the residence permit must complete the following formalities

A. Hand in your passport, visa and the attestations related to the residence main content.

B. Fill in a residence application form.

C. Hand in the health certificate and 2 two-inch photos.






3. If the content of the residence card has been altered, students must come to the Entry- Exit Administration Section of Chongqing Public Security Bureau to transact the alteration formalities within 10 days.



4. The foreign students who want to continue the study in another university out of Chongqing should go to the Entry-Exit Administration Section of the Public Security Bureau of Chongqing to go through the formalities of moving out. On arrival at the other city, the students must go to the corresponding department within 10 days to go through the formalities of moving in.



5. If the students want to exit China temporarily during the period of study, they must go through the formalities of entry again before the exit. If the students want to continue study in China or just stay in China after the expiration of visa or residence permit, they must go through the formalities of postponing 1 month before the expiration date.



6. After graduation, completing courses or expelled out of Chongqing Industry and Trade Polytechnic, the foreign students must exit China during the regulated time. The Entry-Exit Administration Section of the Public Security Bureau of Chongqing will be immediately informed with the information of students who are expelled from the university, and will take over the residence permit or shorten the period of stay in China.



7. Foreign students must take the residence permits or passports with themselves for the check by the police at any time.



Regulations on medical treatment, travelling, and leaving school



1. Medical treatment

The students who suffer illness can visit the doctors in the affiliated hospital or any other hospitals in Chongqing at their own expense. If there is urgent need, emergency telephone is available: 120.


The students must by insurance at their own expense once arrive at Chongqing Industry and Trade POLYTECHNIC.



2. Traveling

The foreign students who want to visit the permitted regions for a journey on holidays or weekends must inform the Office of International Education and hand in the "Registration Form of Traveling for Foreign Students" a week in advance, and cannot leave without the approval of the College of International Education. While traveling, foreign students must observe the related regulations formulated by the public security bureau of China. The expense of traveling will be paid by the students. According to the Public Security Bureau of China, there is no need to go through traveling for realities if taking a trip to the permitted regions. But traveling formalities are required if taking a trip to the region that is forbidden in China, or it will be illegal.



3. Leaving school

1With the “notice of leaving school”, the students who want to leave school including transfering to another school, suspending from school, dropping out of school, and graduating from school should go to the related department to go through leaving formalities.

2Students who has obtained approval for suspension, graduated or completed their studies must move out of the school within two weeks.

3Students who has withdrawn or are dismissed or expelled from schooling must leave school within one week after the notification of withdrawal, dismissal or expulsion is received.

4Students who are supposed to leave school but still linger at the university shall be responsible for anything that happens to them.







Regulations Concerning Foreign Students’ Status in Chongqing Industry and Trade POLYTECHNIC



Section 1   Enrollment and Fees Payment



1. New students admitted by the university should bring the Admission Notice, the completed Visa Application for study in China as well as other relevant documents and come to Office of International Education to register before the deadline as specified in the Admission Notice. If, for certain reason, the student cannot register on time, he must ask leave for an extension period of not more than 4 weeks. Those who have not asked for leave or fail to register before the end of the extension period without proper reason such as Force Majeure will lose their qualification as an admitted student.



2. The University will check the health condition of students as required by the regulations of the Chinese government; only healthy students can register and enroll. Students who fail the health check may lose their qualification. Students who are found to present fraudulent documents or use illegal ways to be admitted will be dismissed immediately.



3. Students with disease unfit to continue their study as diagnosed by government-appointed health and quarantine departments will have a suspension of schooling for a period of one year. Students who have rehabilitated during this period may resume schooling by application for readmission, but they will need a health re-exam by officially appointed health and quarantine departments. Students who cannot pass the re-exam or do not complete the registration and enrollment procedure on time will be disqualified.



4. At the beginning of each semester, students should register in person with receipts of tuition and fees paid within 2 weeks, students who cannot register on time should give their explanations to the teacher who is in charge of his/her class. Students who have not paid their tuition and fees or cannot meet any other requirements of registration will not be registered. Their qualification to study for this academic year can not be gained until the College stamped their Student ID Cards. Those who ask sick leave need to submit medical document; those who ask for leave for some other reason need to submit a written application to their teacher in charge of the class two weeks in advance. The cases without leave application and approval from the Foreign Students Administration will be taken as absenteeism. Those who arrive at the University but failed to go through the procedure for registration will also be considered to be absenteeism; those who failed to register longer than 4 weeks after the beginning of the academic year without proper reason will be regarded as voluntary dropouts.



5. Students who suspend withdraw or leave school due to other reasons, will not be registered without going through the related procedure for resumption of study.




Section 2  period of schooling



6. The length of program is as follows: Chinese study is 1-2 years; the academic length of undergraduates is three years, postgraduates and doctorates are three years. It is possible for students who are unable to complete the courses as required within the allotted time to apply to extend their study for at most two years.




Section 3   Assessment and Academic Record



7. Students should take assessment of the courses and other curricular activities as required by the curriculum (hereafter all referred as courses). The result of assessment will be kept in the transcript and filed in the student personal record.



8. There are two ways of assessments; examination and pass/fail assessment. Only those who pass assessments can earn the credits of the course.



9. If the student who cannot take the examination because of some reason such as illness, hospitalization, etc, can apply for delaying the examination in advance, permitted by the college and arranged by the teaching affairs department. A delayed examination should be equally effective in the student’s academic record as the normal one. In case the assessment of the course includes experiment(s), or other links, the previous teacher is responsible for providing the mark/grade, which will integrated into the final assessment result.




10. A student may select courses from other major, paying appropriate fees as required.



11. Misconduct, such as cheating during the examination or absent from an examination with no reason will lead to a zero mark of the course. The offenders will be criticized and subject to disciplinary action which includes warning, serious warning, recorded demerit, disciplinary probation, dismission, etc. The offenders will not be allowed to take the normal made-up examination until before graduation. But a chance to retake the course will be given on condition that they have behaved well afterwards.



12. Attendance of curricular activities is mandatory. Leave of absence must be applied for and approved in advance; otherwise, the offender will be criticized or even subject to disciplinary action according to Penalty for Violating the Rules of Chongqing Industry and Trade Polytechnic Students, which includes warning, serious warning, recorded demerit, disciplinary probation, dismission, etc. Sick leave application should be submitted with medical certificate issued by the doctor. Application for compassionate leave of absence no longer than 2 days can be approved by the teacher in charge of his/her class; Leave of absence within 3 days should be approved by the director of the respective college (such as Agronomy College, Animal Science and Technology College, etc.); Application longer than 3 days but within 2 weeks for students who need to leave Chongqing City for some reason should be approved by the head of the College of International Education to be kept in the student’s record. Leave longer than 2 weeks needs to be granted first after the College meeting discussion and then to be permitted by vice president of Chongqing Industry and Trade POLYTECHNIC. Except under such circumstances as acute disease or a matter of great urgency, a late application for leave will not be accepted. Students should report to his/her college right after they come back from their leave.



13. Students with an attendance of 80% and above for a course including leave time may sit for the examination; students whose average attendance ranging 70% to 79% will not be allowed to sit for the examination but can be provided a chance to sit for its reexamination; students with an attendance of below 70% have to retake the course.



14. The grading system for examinations and courses is as followsFor courses of which the duration is one semesterthe final result is composed of 50% of the examination mark, 20% of the attendance records and 30% of assignments, quizs, tests, performances in class and etc. Students who failed the first semester may sit for the reexamination and a passing score will be recorded if they pass it.



15. Students who fail an examination or are unable to attend the examination for some reason will be able to sit for a reexamination (or makeup). The opportunity for reexamination for a course is given only once for each semester. For students who pass makeup exam, a passing score will be givenFor students who fail the reexamination, the higher one of the examination score and reexamination score will be recorded.







16. Students who are involved:


Under the following circumstances, student should retake the courses:


1) Students who failed the course exam and its make-up exam and did not get the credit for the course;


2) Students who have such misconduct as cheating during the examination or absence from an examination with no reason, and behave well afterwards;


3) Students who have an accumulative absenteeism exceeding one third of the total class hours for a single course and consequently not allowed to sit for the examination as well as its makeup examination.


4) Students who don’t have an exam mark for other reasons.



17. Arrangement for courses retaking


1) There is no limit for retaking times, but students have to complete their retaken courses within the period specified by the College. If not, graduation should be delayed;


2) Students have to join the class of lower grade for their courses to be retaken;



18. Assessment and Academic Record for the retaken course


1) Students who apply for course retaking and then be granted approval from the College are required to sit for the examination. Failure to appear in the examination will lead to a zero mark.


2) For students who pass the make-up exam, the actual earned score will be recorded. For students who fail make-up exam, a chance to sit for make-up exam will be given.


19. Fee and Procedure for courses retaking


Students who need to retake courses are supposed to go through related procedure with the college and fill in an application for courses retaking within the period as required. Application will not be processed if overdue.




Section 5   Promotion to a higher grade

and Repetition of an academic year’s work



20. Students who complete the courses as required with passing marks or above will be promoted to a higher grade.



21. Under the following circumstances, a student should repeat a year.


1Failure to pass the make-up examination of up to three or above courses  in one academic yearincluding being absent from exam, violating exam discipline, and canceling his/her exam eligibility);


2Students with an average attendance of below 70%



22. Students who repeat a grade don’t have to take the courses that he or she passed before their repetition.



23. Students can not take two consecutive grade-repetitions; and the accumulated should be no more than twice.



24. Grade-repetition students should pay tuition and fees as required for his or her original batch.




Section 6:   Transfer to Other Higher Institutions



25. Students, who do have certain difficulties and thus cannot continue their study at Chongqing Industry and Trade Polytechnic, may apply for a transfer to another higher institution. To transfer out of the University the student must go through the necessary procedures: A written application should be submitted and be sanctioned firstly by college leaders and then by Chongqing Industry and Trade Polytechnic president or vice president. The College of International Education will then contact the university or college into which the student is going to transfer for related official document of accepting the student. Then Administration Division of Exit and Entry of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau in P.R.C. will be reported to cancel his /her residence permit.



26. The following conditions exclude the transfer of institutions:


1 Having studied in the University for less than one semester;


2 Without any proper reason.




Section 7:   Suspension and Resuming of Schooling



27. Students may complete their study in separate stages, but the longest overall extension of the period of attendance (including the suspension of schooling) shall not exceed 2 years.


28. Students can be subject to suspension under any one of the following situations:


1) In the event that a student is diagnosed with an illness or injury that is expected to cause their being unable to attend more than two thirds of the total credit hours for the semester(due to recovery, treatment), or in the event of certain diseases, a student may suspend their study at the College.


2) Students who have requested leave, and the accumulative leave is over one third of the total credit hours of one semester as determined by attendance record, may be subject to suspension;


3) Students who are unable to pay out their tuition and fee as required are subject to suspension.


4) Students may apply for suspension due to special circumstances by submitting an application or may receive suspension from the College if circumstances warrant such actions.



29. Students who apply for a suspension due to special circumstances by submitting an application or may receive suspension from the College if circumstances warrant such actions and the suspension usually is within one year. If special circumstance occurs, the student can renew his /her suspension after getting permission. But the accumulated suspension time can not exceed two years.



30. The University does not encourage marriage during the schooling years. If the student gets pregnant or has given birth to child, and is therefore inappropriate to study and live at the university, she may have a suspension of schooling.



31. Student who has suspended schooling shall leave the university campus after going through necessary procedure. During the suspension period, the person will no longer enjoy the status of an enrolled student. Students themselves and their relatives are held responsible for their safety of the students during the period of suspension.



32. When the suspension period is due to expire, the student should send application to resume schooling two weeks before the end of the previous semester. It must be approved by the University before the student can resume schooling. Students who seriously violate Chinese laws and regulations during the suspension period will be disqualified from resuming schooling.



Section 8:   Drop Out of School



33. The arising of one of the following situations will lead to the dismissal of a student from the University:


1) Failure to complete one’s studies within the prescribed period of study for any reasons;


2) Failure to pass the make-up examination of up to five or above courses in one academic yearincluding being absent from exam, violating exam discipline, and canceling his/her exam eligibility);


3) Not sending in application to resume schooling as required after the suspension period has ended, or not being able to pass the re-examination and therefore not approved to resume schooling;


4) Incapable of keeping on study in the university due to accidental disability or diseases diagnosed by the prescribed hospital of the University;


5) Being absent from the school without asking for leave, or asked but not approved, thus not being able to participate in the required curricular activities for 2 continuous weeks or accumulatively for 50 periods in one semester;


6) Failure to make registration before deadline without proper reasons;


7) Being talked to but refuse to suspend their study when they are subject to suspension;


8) Voluntary withdrawal from the University;


9) Students dismissed are not allowed to resume their study at the University.



34. Student who has dropped out of school must be reported to Chongqing Exit-Entry Administration Bureau to cancel their resident permit and then exit from China within the time limit as required.


Section 9:  Graduation, Completion of the Curriculum and

Completion of the Courses



35. Student who has completed the courses required by the curriculum, and reached the standard established for graduation, can graduate and be conferred the diploma.



36. Student who has completed the courses required by the curriculum, but has not reached the standard established for graduation, may finish the study and will be issued a Certificate of Completion of Study. Within the period specified by the University, the student may retake the relevant courses or redo the graduation thesis or design. Once the standard for graduation is reached, the student may change the Certificate of Completion of Study to the Diploma; the date of graduation will be the date of issuance of the diploma.



37. Before the students graduate, the university has to go through the qualification of graduation and degree awarding qualification. This examination work will be undertaken by the students’ tutor, handed in the International Exchanges Office, and then appraised by the university. If reaching the requirements, the University Academic Degree Committee will confer Degree Certificate to the qualified students.



38. Student who has completed more than one academic year of study and then dropped out will be issued a Certificate of Study.



39. If, in addition to the completion of the major program, the student has also successfully completed a minor program, the student will be conferred the Certificate of Minor Program.



40. Diploma, Certificate for Completion of Study, or Certificate of Study, or Degree Certificate, if lost or damaged, will not be re-issued, but the owner can send application to the University, and if the case is verified to be true, the University will issue a document certifying the corresponding status.





This is to certify that _____________________(Name), a student of Chongqing Industry and Trade POLYTECHNIC and a citizen of ______________________.


I have read and understand the regulations Published in the booklet

Regulations for Foreign Students attending Chongqing Industry and Trade Polytechnic ( 拉斯维加斯lswjs0567留学生管理规定 ) and I will comply with the regulations.


I will do my best to assist other students in following the regulations of the University.


I will report violations to the rules to the University Administration.


I accept the consequences for my violating the regulations and will submit to the appropriated punishment as determined by the University’s administration.



Signature _________________________    Date _______________









联系电话:+86-23-72806385,  +86-23-72809028 +86-23-72803252,




Dear Students,

Welcome to Chongqing Industry and Trade Polytechnic. Please follow the articles and provisions in this letter and the attached documents. If you meet with any trouble, please contact us at +86-23-72791119, +86-23-72791858+86-23-72792299

Email: international@yznu.cn

                Chongqing Industry and Trade Polytechnic




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